Teishos by Richard B. Clarke Here are selected Teisho recorded by Richard Clarke (either mp3 or m4a) Date Topic 4/30/13 The Irresistible Addiction 4/23/13 The Deeper Human Being 4/16/13 Zazen and the Spectrum of Evil 2/5/13 Baso: Mind as Budddha 7/10/12 Hekiganroku #5 Seppo's Grain of Rice 7/1/12 Huike and the Path of Zen 5/19/12 Zen Practice: New beginnings 4/1/12 Hekiganroku #60 and Heart Sutra—Emptiness 3/31/12 Nansen—Was I at fault? 3/30/12 What is the use of knowing—Kidogoroku & #16 Mumonkan 3/20/12 Shoyoroku # 98: Taking heed 3/6/12 Care and feeding of the ego-I: Tools for Practice 2/19/12 Just to walk upon the earth—Zazen and Rinzai 1/24/12 Shoyoroku # 20 Hogen and Jizo 1/22/12 The Immensity of Zazen and Love 8/1/11 Momonkan #15: Opening the Last Barrier 7/30/11 Shoyoroku #99,100: One Fabric 4/1/11 Shoyoroku #82 8/17/10 Dogen: Two Sides to One Coin 5/11/10 Shoyoroku #44,45 8/6/09 The Poisonous Snake 8/5/09 Book of Equanimity #57 6/16/09 Bowing and Knowing 3/29/09 Hekiganroku #18 Seamlessness 3/27/09 Zuigan Meets the Fat Caterpillar 12/9/08 Ta Hui Doubt Sensation 9/23/08 Essence of Zen with Su Tong-po, Yang-shan,Kuei-shan 9/17/08 Hongzhi: The Acupuncture Needle of Zen 8/6/08 Silence: Five Koan in the Book of Equanimity 8/3/08 "To Study the Self" 8/1/08 Wondrous Duality 6/10/08 Hekiganroku #73 2/24/08 Hongzhi: The Misunderstandings of Many Lifetimes 1/8/08 Yuan Wu: Learning Zen 12/12/07 Yuan Wu: Teaching Zen 8/14/07 Yuan Wu: Time Waits for No One 6/26/07 Yuan Wu: Washed Clean, Self and Things 2/20/07 Yuan Wu: Boatload of Moonlight and Truth and Perception 2/13/07 Yuan Wu: Bringing Out the Family Treasure 11/16/06 Samadhi, the Many Facets of Mu, Hekiganroku #50 and #89 11/14/06 From Blindness to Light (Hekiganroku #11 and #12) 11/12/06 Continual Zazen: Brother Lawrence and Hekiganroku #44 2/18/06 Shodoka "Sweet Grass" 1/31/06 Shodoka "Mind Mirror"